Never give up your bread for the butter
Friday, April 17, 2009 | Author: Shailesh
First time I am writing on this blog which is not a personal experience, in other words I would say the thoughts I am spelling is not something which happened with me. This is something my observation on the things happening around. I felt writing something on it.

The title of this post is nothing but an English version of great poet Kabir Das has said. Kabir das has said "रूखा सूखा खाइके ठंडा पानी पी, देख परायी चुपडी मत ललचावे जी " (rookha sukha khaike thanda pani pi, dekh parai chupri mat lalchave ji).

The truth always remains truth. Whatever Kabir Das has said in 15th century is still true today, and will remain true for the ages.

The point is that, do we actually learn from others or other experience.

Answer is : very rarely

Everyone seems to be so confident of getting the butter that they always give up their bread for it.
The is another another saying "More risk more gain" but do we actually evaluate the risk. Is it worth giving up bread for butter.

Anyone would like to take the chance.The problem is that no one evaluates the risk, and ends up with loosing own bread, They loose own bread in the desire of butter which never existed.

The butter is more the times an illusion, I have seen people to living in illusion world. They feel their imaginary world as real world and every day they are loosing their bread.

The point which jumbling in my mind is that .... why people do not evaluate the risk?

They loose what they have with them and walk always empty hands.

In the life whatever happens with us is only our response/reaction to the situation.
People are less bothered to take right decision for them, afterward they curse their luck not supporting them.

I guess this is not the way we should live. We should always first choose what we have, then proceed towards what we can get.

But there should be a perfect balance between risk and sacrifice for the risk..

But what is the equation for this balance ?

Lion is not vegetarian
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 | Author: Shailesh

This post is not about lion, but resemblance of human characteristics with lion.

The Bottom line is "Never trust a lion claiming vegetarian." This is a true fact, a lion remains vegetarian until lion tastes blood.

The similar facts goes with human, If you observe something in someone, this might be possible that one might not have been exposed to particular situation for which you are considering one inappropriate.

You need to just go with your internal instinct, and believe in yourself than others, and always be careful on trusting on such claims.

It is my close observation on few people claiming many things, and reality which bites is that, they have never fallen in similar situation, so how can their claim be assertive.

Have you seen any lion that remained vegetarian after tasting blood? I have not seen any.

The exception are everywhere but how many exception we see in our life which are good for us.
Any unknown equation can not let you achieve the known results.

This is similar like story of scorpion and frog

"The story is about a scorpion asking a frog to carry him across a river. The frog is afraid of being stung, but the scorpion reassures him that if it stung the frog, the frog would sink and the scorpion would drown as well.
The frog then agrees; nevertheless, in mid-river, the scorpion stings him, dooming the two of them.
When asked by the frog why he did that when he knew it would lead to both of them drowning,
The scorpion's sorry response was simply "it is my nature."

It is the only nature of one which they can not change until they themselves are not ready to change.

The conclusion is only one thing, always be careful with lion, do not go on the claims of being vegetarian. Lion is not vegetarian. Always beware of real world's lion

I Got Excellence Award
Friday, March 10, 2006 | Author: Shailesh
Good things happen when you least expect it. I think I have got a best example to quote this statement in my life.

I must say effort never goes waste, we always get a positive results for our honest effort. The story goes as below picture says of excellence award. This award was one of my dream when I was putting my efforts in my project.

But the moment I achieved this I was not expecting it, because the previous few months were not so good for me in terms of work.

I causally waled to award ceremony, cheered for my friend, gradually category of team awards begin to finish, at the same moment I recalled that I have to finished some work before time.

So I walked away, with a thought that all team categories are being finished and my team is not even nominated.

I came back to my work station and started working.

Sudden buzzed....

It was congratulation SMS from my friend 'Gaurav Dhama' that I got the individual excellence award.

I could not believe the SMS, I was so happy and thought of jumping back to award ceremony but I knew now I am late .....

but It was the moment which had removed all my sufferings of work. I am soooooo happy that I got a token of appreciation for my work.

I am happy that I am a winner. I got this award when I was least expecting same.

Top of all thing I forgot to mention that all the effort I had put was without any expectation. I was just putting my hundred percent. but an internal desire was always there that my effort should be recognized.

I knew that, at least GOD is there looking at me, If no one then God will recognize my effort, because he has all the power...
for all of my act I only answer to me, only divine power can do the right judgment.

and from this day onward I will only and only believe in giving my 100% for whatever I am doing and anything
for which I can answer to me.

I will get my share anywhere, anytime................because God is looking...

and good things will happen again when I will least expect them.

LOS hits 100,000 application
Monday, January 30, 2006 | Author: Shailesh
Today, January 30th 2006 I got the news that Los has crossed 10,000 application.

It was really great being part of LOS. The best part which make me feel proud is that I was still informed about this. LOS (Loan Origination System) - A Loan based software, A product of Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.

The LOS hits 100,000 application in HDFC bank almost after one year since I left my Nucleus Software , my previous employer.

How many times it happens when your name is called for appriciation after you have left an organisation. I am happy because it happened with me.

I was not only informed about this news but also my name was published on intranet of 'Nucleus Software'.

I was really very happy when I got the mail of 'Anoop Sharma'. In your career number of times you put your effort more than your limit. But there are very few moments when you actually feel that your effort has been recognized.
I felt that I have got the return of my effort that I have put in many nights at onsite/offshore

There are too much things to write about LOS, It was not only me but there are number of people behind it, countless effort of many people which made LOS to reach this landmark...

I am really happy to see LOS has reached so far and I am sure it will go a long way.............