I Got Excellence Award
Friday, March 10, 2006 | Author: Shailesh
Good things happen when you least expect it. I think I have got a best example to quote this statement in my life.

I must say effort never goes waste, we always get a positive results for our honest effort. The story goes as below picture says of excellence award. This award was one of my dream when I was putting my efforts in my project.

But the moment I achieved this I was not expecting it, because the previous few months were not so good for me in terms of work.

I causally waled to award ceremony, cheered for my friend, gradually category of team awards begin to finish, at the same moment I recalled that I have to finished some work before time.

So I walked away, with a thought that all team categories are being finished and my team is not even nominated.

I came back to my work station and started working.

Sudden ........mobile buzzed....

It was congratulation SMS from my friend 'Gaurav Dhama' that I got the individual excellence award.

I could not believe the SMS, I was so happy and thought of jumping back to award ceremony but I knew now I am late .....

but It was the moment which had removed all my sufferings of work. I am soooooo happy that I got a token of appreciation for my work.

I am happy that I am a winner. I got this award when I was least expecting same.

Top of all thing I forgot to mention that all the effort I had put was without any expectation. I was just putting my hundred percent. but an internal desire was always there that my effort should be recognized.

I knew that, at least GOD is there looking at me, If no one then God will recognize my effort, because he has all the power...
for all of my act I only answer to me, only divine power can do the right judgment.

and from this day onward I will only and only believe in giving my 100% for whatever I am doing and anything
for which I can answer to me.

I will get my share anywhere, anytime................because God is looking...

and good things will happen again when I will least expect them.